Vietnam Veterans, their families, their friends, fellow Veterans, and the Public are invited to attend and participate in honoring our Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifice.
Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 10:45am
Where: Mesa Market Place, Mesa AZ
Cost: Free Community Event
Guest Speakers: See Flier for all the info.
Special Pinning’s are also available for the following People:
Please contact: Veteran Nancy Fassbender at 480-983-0634 if any of the following is true for you:
-If you are a Former POW.
-If you are a Parent, Spouse, Sibling, or Child of a Vietnam Veteran who is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Wash, DC.
-If you are a Parent, Spouse, Sibling, or Child of an Unaccounted for or Missing Veteran by the DoD.
-If you are the Surviving Spouse of a Former POW